Detailed information for effective emergency response by topic.
Air Quality
- Air Now (Current air conditions for California)
- Air Quality from the South Coast AQMD
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District (AQMD)
- California Air Pollution Controls Officers Association (CAPCOA)
- California Air Resource Control Board Fact Sheets and FAQs
- California Air Response Planning Alliance (CARPA)
Animal Disposal
- Emergency Animal Disposal (CalEPA Emergency Response and Disaster Preparedness)
- Animal Disposal Following an Emergency (CDC)
- Emergency Mortality Disposal Advisory from CDFA
- Emergency Animal Disease Regulatory Guidance for Disposal and Decontamination (PDF)
- Draft Guidelines for Emergency Composting of Cattle Mortalities (Iowa State University, PDF)
- Guide to Whole Animal Composting of Dairy Cattle (New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Services, PDF)
- Summer Heat Resources (Cal OES)
- Veterinary Emergency Response Team (UC Davis Veterinary Medicine)
Avian Influenza
- Avian Influenza Information for bird diseases that threaten wild and domestic flocks.
Debris Removal and Disposal
- Guidance and resources for conducting emergency hazardous material, waste and removal actions.
- Debris Management (Cal OES)
Drought and Water Conservation
With California facing one of the most severe droughts on record in 2021, Governor Newsom declared a drought State of Emergency and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for water shortages. The state has continued to lead the way to make sure California is able to cope with an unprecedented drought.
- California Drought (CalEPA)
- State Water Board Drought Information (water rights, water quality, drought funding, tools, and assistance)
- Water Resilience Portfolio Initiative
- Drought Preparedness (current conditions, state actions, Drought Resilience Task Force)
- California Drought Action
- Save Our Water (water saving tips)
- National Integrated Drought Information System – California Drought
- Southern California Catastrophic Earthquake Response Plan 2010 (PDF)
- Bay Area Earthquake Plan 2016 (PDF)
- Cascadia Subduction Zone – Earthquake and Tsunami Response Plan 2013 (PDF)
- United States Geological Survey (USGS) California Earthquake Information
Emergency Response and Management Committee
- 2021 Accomplishments Report (PDF)
- 2020 Accomplishments Report (PDF)
- 2019 Accomplishments Report (PDF)
- 2018 Accomplishments Report (PDF)
- For reports on earlier years, contact
Fire Response and Recovery
Wildfires can create widespread threats to public health and the environment. Air quality can be affected by smoke, ash, toxins, and dust. Soil and water quality can be affected by uncontrolled hazardous materials and debris. Learn more.
Flood Impacted Water System
In the event of a disaster, in collaboration with the State Water Resources Control Board, you can identify affected public water systems by checking for any issued unsafe water notifications.
Hazardous Materials & Oil Spills
California Hazmat and Oil Emergency Function, known as CA ESF-10, is a framework for agencies with jurisdictional or regulatory authority to conduct all phases of emergency management for threatened or actual releases of oil or hazardous materials.
Oil Spill Information
- California Coastal Commission Oil Spill Program
- NOAA Office of Response and Restoration – Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA)
- Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) Oil Spills & Seafood
- Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)
Preparing for an Emergency
- Listos California (Cal OES)
- Be Prepared California (CDPH)
- American Red Cross
- American Red Cross Ready Rating
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- (FEMA)
Tsunami and Debris Information
Information on tsunami debris and safety developed in coordination with multiple state and federal agencies.