CalEPA’s Commitment to Racial Equity 


Vision Statement

CalEPA seeks to ensure public health, improve and maintain environmental quality, and vitalize the green economy for all Californians. CalEPA develops policies and practices that result in safer and cleaner air, soil, and drinking water, and protect residents and workers from harmful exposure to contaminants. The goal is to achieve a higher quality of life for all. Racial equity will be realized when:

  1. Race is not a determinant of exposure or proximity to hazardous chemicals, and exposure to hazardous chemicals is minimized across all racial and ethnic groups.
  2. All Californians have access to safe, clean, affordable and accessible drinking water, and can breathe clean air in and around their homes, schools, workplaces, and community spaces.
  3. Communities identified as “disadvantaged” experience a transition into the green economy through equitable and just development; and when they can realize full access to healthy and sustainable green jobs, affordable housing, and transportation.
  4. All California communities have access to the information needed to meaningfully participate in the decision-making processes that impact their lives.

CalEPA Racial Equity Contact:

Racial Equity Contacts for CalEPA Boards, Departments and Office:

Capitol Collaborative on Race & Equity:

California Strategic Growth Council’s Capitol Collaborative on Race & Equity