Contacts: Emergency Response Management Committee

Two OES firefighters inspect homes lost in a fire.Our efforts are in support of local emergency management and incident command. The CalEPA Emergency Operations Center may be activated by authority of the Secretary or at request of Cal OES.

CalEPA, Office of the Secretary  
Jason Boetzer | John Elkins

California Air Resources Board
Charles Pearson | Russ Bennett

Department of Pesticide Regulation
Sheryl Gill 

Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
Jeremy Edwards | Heather Geldart

Department of Toxic Substances Control
Vacant | Nancy McGee

Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Karen Riveles | Beckye Stanton

State Water Resources Control Board
Sarah Ries | Mark Bare
          Division of Drinking Water
          Jason Spotts

About CalEPA’s Emergency Response and Disaster Preparedness

CalEPA’s emergency response and recovery responsibilities mirror the Agency’s mission-essential tasks of protecting public health and the environment:

  • Scientific support for toxicology, pesticide exposure and drift, aquatic and ecotoxicology, exposure and risk assessment
  • Debris management and regulatory consult
  • Technical and regulatory consultation for disinfection/decontamination
  • Air monitoring and modeling (with mobile and stationary lab capabilities)
  • Mobile and stationary chemical identification capabilities
  • Emergency removals from clandestine drug labs
  • Technical support for surface and groundwater contamination