Unified Program Publications, Guidance and Forms for Reporting

Unified Program Publications and Guidance

Universal Waste Information

Fee Schedules for State Agency CUPA’s

Federal Facilities Excluded from California Business Plan Requirements


Business-to-CUPA Reporting Forms
All regulated businesses should use the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) or a local CUPA portal to fulfill business-to-CUPA Unified Program reporting requirements.

Electronic Reporting Templates


CUPA-to-State Reporting Forms

Surcharge and Single Fee Summary Reporting Templates

Reports to the State Legislature

2002 Status of Unified Program Implementation and the Rural CUPA Reimbursement Account (PDF)
This report contains an update on the status of Unified Program Implementation statewide. It also contains information on the Rural CUPA Reimbursement Account status as of February 2002.

Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) Program Statewide Standards (PDF)
This report contains the established statewide standards for implementation of the Unified Program by local Unified Program Agencies. The Appendix to this report is the Compendium of CUPA Performance Standards (PDF)

Recommendations to Improve Unified Program Enforcement Consistency (PDF)
This report evaluates existing enforcement authorities and processes available under the Unified Program and recommends consideration of statutory changes to make enforcement more consistent.

CalEPA Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Report

The annual CalEPA Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Report is a compiled as a collaborative effort between the Office of the Secretary, the Boards, Departments and Offices within the agency and our allied enforcement partners.