May 4, 2023 – CalEPA Headquarters Building, Sacramento: The CalEPA TAC held a joint meeting with the CalEPA Secretary and the Directors of the CalEPA Boards, Departments, and Offices. The meeting opened with a conversation with the Governor’s Tribal Affairs Secretary to discuss high priority areas for tribes and the elevation of their role – from Advisor to Cabinet Secretary. The TAC approved the nomination of three new members. The meeting ended with a flag unveiling ceremony; all the TAC Member’s Tribal Nations Flags are now proudly flown in the CalEPA Headquarters Lobby. CalEPA’s Boards, Departments, and Offices provided the following updates: California Air Resources Board, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, State Water Resources Control Board
March 29, 2023 – Virtual Meeting: The March CalEPA TAC focused on Agency and BDO accountability and identifying mechanisms for broader transparency. Discussions on TAC nominees and outreach to fill vacancies were had and the new Deputy Secretary for Environmental Justice, Tribal Affairs, and Border Relations was introduced.
September 2, 2020 – Online Meeting – This meeting continued on Committee’s discussion of the SAFER Drinking Water Program and DTSC’s Tribal Consultation Policy and implementation of Senate Bill 673 (SB 673, Statutes of 2015) is a key milestone law in the development of stronger regulatory and permit protections. The law directed DTSC to enhance protections for public health and the environment in communities near hazardous waste facilities, and to increase DTSC’s transparency and accountability through the permit process. California Air Resources BoardDepartment of Pesticide RegulationOffice of Environmental Health Hazard AssessmentState Water Resources Control Board
June 16 & 17, 2020 – Online Meeting – The meeting focused on the SAFER Drinking Water Program, tribal beneficial use in regional waterboard basin planning, cannabis activities at CalEPA with presentations from Waterboards, CalRecycle, and DPR staff. DTSC Director Dr. Meredith Williams and Waterboards Chair Mr. Joaquin Esquivel joined the meeting to share their tribal priorities with the TAC.
February 19 & 20, 2020, CalEPA Headquarters Building, Sacramento, California. Met with Secretary Blumenfeld and the CalEPA Boards, Departments, and Office Directors to share and discuss tribal priorities for 2020 year.
September 9-10, 2019, Quartz Valley Indian Reservation in Fort Jones (northern California).
June 18-19, 2019, this meeting was held near the Los Angeles basin (Covina) area near the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation area
March 25-26, 2019, CalEPA Headquarters Building, located at 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
December 17 & 18, 2018, CalEPA Headquarters Building, Sacramento The CalEPA TAC had a joint meeting with the CalEPA Agency Secretary and the Directors of the CalEPA Boards, Departments, and Office.
December 12-13, 2017 Meeting Agenda (.pdf, 61kB) – CalEPA HQ Building, Sacramento, CA The CalEPA TAC had a joint meeting with the CalEPA Agency Secretary and the Heads of the CalEPA BDOs.