Oakland Report-back Meetings

Earlier this year, CalEPA’s Environmental Justice Task Force commenced an initiative in Oakland to investigate and address local environmental concerns, and to engage community members in ongoing work to ensure protection of their local environment. After conducting hundreds of inspections in the communities, the Task Force will be presenting the results of its Oakland initiative at two community meetings in July. Representatives of the regulatory agencies that participated in the initiative will be present at the meeting to present the results of the inspections and discuss with community members ongoing work to protect their local environment.

Information for the meetings is below, and please RSVP if you plan to attend. Also, please indicate in the RSVP if you would like to request translation services.

East Oakland Report-back Meeting
Oakland Public Library – 1021 81st Avenue, Oakland, CA 94621
Please RSVP at https://ejtfeoakland.eventbrite.com

West Oakland Report-back Meeting
Civicorps – 101 Myrtle Street, Oakland, CA 94607
Please RSVP at https://ejtfwoakland.eventbrite.com