California Native American Tribal Affairs: Contacts

CalEPA Boards, Departments, and Office Tribal Contacts.

Program Contact:

  • Office of the Secretary
    Sabine Talaugon
    Deputy Secretary for Intergovernmental Relations
    Phone: (916) 601-2987

Boards, Departments, and Office Tribal Liaisons & Contacts

Please email for faster response.

CalEPA Tribal Advisory Committee Members

CalEPA Listserv Subscriptions

CalEPA encourage Tribal governments, communities and interested Tribal stakeholders to sign up for CalEPA and its BDO listserv subscriptions. CalEPA and its BDOs each facilitate listserv to disseminate public documents, notices and information to those interested in specific environmental subjects such as water quality, climate change, Prop 65 lists, environmental justice, etc. These email subscription services notify interested persons of upcoming important events and the availability of on-line documents. Please visit this CalEPA page to sign-up.