The Task Force created two working groups to focus on specific areas of the Governor’s Interagency Working Group on Refinery Safety’s report “Improving Public And Worker Safety at Oil Refineries.
Safety and Prevention Workgroup
The Safety and Prevention Workgroup is focused on worker and public safety and the prevention of hazardous material releases. Focus will include:
- Reviewing and revising the compliance and enforcement components of the existing programs to identify gaps and overlaps, and to provide for more frequent and enhanced oversight and effective enforcement tools.
- Examining the requirements of both the CalOSHA and the California Accidental Release Prevention regulatory programs and revising them to improve safety.
- Examining data and resource needs for agencies to improve their oversight of refineries, and advocating for authorities and resources to meet any identified needs.
- Implementing interagency data and information sharing for inspections, compliance, enforcement, injuries, emissions and other areas as appropriate.
- Identifying methods to publicize reporting and complaint systems for workers and the public.
- Working with local agencies to convene refinery safety forums for public input.
- Examining the areas recommended for further study and making suggestions to the Interagency Refinery Task Force on priorities.
Emergency Preparedness and Response Workgroup
The Emergency Preparedness and Response Workgroup is focused on improving refineries and local government preparedness and their response to any release of hazardous materials. Focus will include:
- Working with the Office of Emergency Services to develop a model annex for the Hazardous Materials Area Plans for Emergency Response implemented at the local Certified Unified Program Agency level to better address the unique hazards a refinery poses.
- Examining the federal and state hazardous materials response planning requirements and making recommendations to better align the federal and state programs.
- Defining more precisely a refinery’s requirements for reporting leaks or releases of a hazardous material to local and state agencies.
- Working with the Air Resources Board and California Air Pollution Control Officers Association on air contaminant monitoring and modeling following an industrial accident.
- Improving communication and outreach to the affected communities and media for preplanning prior to any refinery event.
- Improving communication to the affected communities and media during and after a response to any refinery event.
- Working with the appropriate agencies to identify issues and improve the emergency alert systems for notifying the public of releases