Information Required From the Department of Health Services (DHS) Under Government Code Section 65962.5(b)
Section 65962.5(b) requires that DHS “shall compile and update as appropriate, but at least annually, and shall submit to the Secretary for Environmental Protection, a list of all public drinking water wells that contain detectable levels of organic contaminants and that are subject to water analysis pursuant to Section 116395 of the Health and Safety Code.”
However, CalEPA understands that based on laws, regulations, or security policies adopted after September 11, 2001, DHS no longer makes publicly available the locations of public drinking water wells due to concerns about illegal actions that could endanger public health and safety.
Moreover, there are currently no wells subject to water analysis pursuant to HSC § 116395, because all the analysis required by that Section was to be completed by 1988 (HSC § 116395(d)).
Consequently, for the reasons stated above, the DHS does not provide information to the Secretary as originally called for under § 65962.5 (b).