Each CalEPA program and regional office has designated an ombudsman as a single point of contact to work with applicants and the public to clarify permit requirements and resolve regulatory conflicts. Contact information for each ombudsman is listed below.
California Environmental Protection Agency
CalEPA Office of the Secretary
Email: CalEPA Communications Office
California Air Resources Board
CARB’s Ombudsman Webpage
CalRecycle’s Ombudsman Webpage
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Aron Lindgren, (916) 324-3563
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Regulatory Assistance Office Webpage
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Sam Delson, (916) 445-6903 or Fax: (916) 323-8803
State Water Resources Control Board & Regional Water Quality Control Boards
State Water Board’s Ombudsperson Webpage
Adriana Renteria, (916) 445-5615
(Webage last updated 1/3/2020)