CalEPA Regulated Site Portal
The CalEPA Regulated Site Portal combines data about environmentally regulated facilities and sites throughout California into a single, searchable database and interactive map. Created to provide a more transparent, comprehensive view of regulated activities statewide, the portal includes data on hazardous waste and materials, state and federal cleanups, impacted ground and surface waters, and toxic releases. Check out the Regulated Site Portal.
California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool (CalEnviroScreen)
CalEnviroScreen is an environmental health screening tool that identifies the communities most burdened by pollution and that are especially vulnerable to its effects. The tool ranks each of the state’s 8,000 census tracts using data on 21 indicators of pollution, environmental quality, and socioeconomic and public health conditions. High scores indicate a higher pollution burden than low scores. It is used to help implement a variety of state programs aimed at providing a healthier environment in these communities, including targeting areas for investments with state cap-and-trade funds. Learn more at OEHHA’s CalEnviroScreen 4.0 webpage (en español). See the tool: Results Map (en español) and Indicator Maps.
Draft Human Right to Water Data Tool
The Human Right to Water Data Tool is an interactive, web-based map tool for assessing water quality, accessibility and affordability for each of the state’s 2,900 community water systems. The tool uses 13 indicators to provide a baseline assessment that will help the State Water Resources Control Board track progress towards achieving the goals of safe and affordable drinking water that is accessible to all Californians. In 2012, California enacted Human Right to Water legislation (Assembly Bill 685) recognizing that “every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes.” Visit the Human Right to Water Data Tool.
Urban Heat Island Interactive Maps
These interactive maps show urban heat islands in California as measured by the Urban Heat Island Index. The index was developed by CalEPA as a way to quantify the extent and severity of the urban heat island effect for individual cities. Each census tract in and around most urban areas throughout the state is assigned a score based on atmospheric modeling over summer seasons. The index may have a variety of uses, from prioritizing areas for projects to reduce the effect, to preparing the public for extreme heat events. Visit the Urban Heat Island Interactive Maps.
Pollution and Prejudice: Redlining StoryMap
As part of its commitment to racial equity, CalEPA has released a draft StoryMap highlighting the connection between racist land use practices of the 1930s and environmental injustice, as reflected by CalEnviroScreen scores. Redlining practices systematically included both race and environmental factors as criteria in assessing the credit-worthiness of neighborhoods. Explore the StoryMap: Pollution and Prejudice | Contaminación y Prejuicio (Download EnglishWord document download, españolWord document download)
California Climate Investments Project Map
The California Climate Investments Project Map shows project level information on California Climate Investments using Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds. These projects are a subset of a larger and coordinated effort to make climate and energy investments throughout California that further the State’s climate goals. Users can filter projects by program and access information on agencies administering programs. Users can also add the locations of disadvantaged or low-income communities to existing map displays. Visit the CCI Map.
Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment – GAMA OnLine Tools
The State Water Resources Control Board and the U.S. Geological Survey have created interactive mapping tools and data to help water users understand groundwater quality in California. Among them is a groundwater information system, a trend analysis tool, a domestic well water quality tool, a 2021 aquifer risk map for domestic and state small water systems, a groundwater quality mapping tool, and a groundwater vulnerability tool. Two additional tools provide users the opportunity to find wells impacted by 123-TCP and nitrates. Visit the GAMA OnLine Tools webpage.