First-Round Environmental Justice Action Grants Awardees

On March 7, the California Environmental Protection Agency announced the inaugural awardees of the new CalEPA Environmental Justice Action Grants Program. View all awardees below and sign up for the EJ Action Grants listserv to stay informed about the program.

Applicant(s)Project Title EntityIssue Area(s)Amount
Northern California
Big Valley Band of Pomo IndiansBig Valley Rancheria Environmental Justice ProgramFederally recognized tribePublic Health, Environmental and Climate Decision-Making$285,000.00
Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville RancheriaAssessing Threats to Tribal Health and Resources from the Closed Laytonville Landfill for the Cahto Tribe of Laytonville RancheriaFederally recognized tribePublic Health, Environmental and Climate Decision-Making, Enforcement$299,979.00
California Indian Environmental AllianceTribal Beneficial Uses: Protecting California Tribal Communities through Water Quality Standards501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making, Public Health, Enforcement$298,811.52
California Indian Museum and Cultural Center Center for Resilient Native Generations: Emergency Preparedness501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEmergency Preparedness, Public Health$219,813.00
Colusa Indian Community CouncilCICC's Tribal Emergency Safety ProgramFederally recognized tribeEmergency Preparedness, Public Health$299,756.00
Earth TeamTime to CLIC! - Climate Literacy Committees: A framework for promoting disadvantaged youth participation in environmental decision-making and climate change adaptation and preparedness 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making$178,250.00
Hoopa Valley TribeIllegal Dumping Prevention and MitigationFederally recognized tribePublic Health, Enforcement$198,795.00
KIDS for the BAY (Fiscal Sponsor: Earth Island Institute)Richmond Parks and Watershed Rangers ProgramReceiving fiscal sponsorship from 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationPublic Health, Enforcement$115,042.00
Potter Valley TribePotter Valley Tribe Water Resource Protection and Planning ProgramFederally recognized tribeEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making$116,302.00
Redbud Resource GroupFeather River Advocacy Program501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making$297,946.00
Tolowa Dee'ni NationThe Bioaccumulation of Toxins in Fish, Bivalves, and Seaweed and their Impacts on the Safety of Tribal Subsistence ResourcesFederally recognized tribePublic Health, Environmental and Climate Decision-Making$86,017.00
Yurok TribeBuilding the Staffing Capacity of the Yurok Tribe Water Supply SystemFederally recognized tribeEmergency Preparedness, Public Health, Enforcement$296,435.00
Central California
Californians for Pesticide Reform (Fiscal Sponsor: Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs)Building the movement for safe pest management in the San Joaquin ValleyReceiving fiscal sponsorship from 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnforcement; Public Health; Environmental and Climate Decision-Making$300,000.00
Center for Community AdvocacyCenter for Community Advocacy’s (CCA) housing program Viviendas501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationPublic Health$148,429.00
Central California Environmental Justice NetworkAdvancing Identifying Violations Affecting Neighborhoods (IVAN) in the San Joaquin Valley501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnforcement, Public Health, Environmental Climate Decision-Making$300,000.00
Community Water CenterIntegrating impacted community voices in drinking water policy and planning processes501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making, Public Health, Emergency Preparedness, Enforcement$300,000.00
Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment (Tri-Valley CAREs)Stakeholder Involvement for Environmental Health, Compliance, and Remediation in Western San Joaquin County (SEP approved by DTSC)501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making, Public Health$150,000.00
Quail Springs (True Nature Society)Building the Cuyama Valley Coalition of Water Stewards501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making$293,159.00
Southern California
Comite Civico del Valle, Inc.Imperial Valley Asthma Home Visiting Program501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationPublic Health, Environmental and Climate Decision-Making$300,000.00
Del Amo Action CommitteeFocus Groups: Implementing a Community’s Vision501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making, Public Health, Enforcement$299,000.00
Healthy Day PartnersStraight 2 the Plate Mobile Garden Classroom501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationPublic Health, Environmental and Climate Decision-Making, Emergency Preparedness$97,627.50
Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice (Fiscal Sponsor: Inland Congregations United for Change)Adelanto Climate Resilience ProjectReceiving fiscal sponsorship from 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnvironmental and Climate Decision-Making, Public Health$300,000.00
La Posta Band of Mission IndiansLa Posta Hazard Mitigation Plan and Emergency Response Plan PreparationFederally recognized tribeEmergency Preparedness$36,688.06
Los Angeles Environmental Justice Network (Fiscal Sponsor: Del Amo Action Committee)9th Annual Environmental Justice and Enforcement SymposiumReceiving Fiscal Sponsorship from a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationPublic Health; Enforcement; Environmental and Climate Decision-Making$78,300.00
Outdoor OutreachEnvironmental Health Promotion for South Bay San Diego Youth501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationPublic Health; Environmental and Climate Decision-Making$300,000.00
Pacoima BeautifulPacoima Beautiful’s Community Inspectors Program501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEnforcement, Public Health, Environmental and Climate Decision-Making$200,000.00
Pueblo Unido CDCEastern Coachella Valley Climate Adaptation & Resilience Program501(c)(3) nonprofit organizationEmergency Preparedness, Public Health$300,000.00