The California Environmental Protection Agency and its boards, departments, and offices recognize agencies, local governments, small businesses, and individuals for their outstanding achievements in environmental protection. Listed below are these awards.
- The Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Awards Program (GEELA): This program recognizes individuals, organizations, and businesses that have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made notable contributions in conserving our precious resources, protecting and enhancing our environment, and building public-private partnerships. Contact:
California Air Resources Board Awards
- Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award: CARB accepts nominations every year for this award, which recognizes contributions toward improving the air in California. Contact:, (916) 445-0753.
- Cool California Small Business Awards Program: This award recognizes small businesses that take action to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable. For more information, visit the website, watch CARB’s videos or contact Contact: Judy Nottoli, (916) 322-7429.
Department of Pesticide Regulation Award
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Achievement Awards: This award recognizes leaders who adopt techniques that increase the benefits and reduce the risks of pest control. Contact: Michelle Andretta (916) 324-4245, .
State Water Resources Control Board Awards
- Please visit the State Water Board’s Awards, Grants and Scholarships webpage for information on current awards.