Invitation to a Listening Session on Actions and Policies for Organic Materials Management in California (en Español)
Date and Time: Feb. 22, 2019, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Join in Person: 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA, Room 550
Join by Live Video Webcast: CalEPA Public Meeting Live Webcasts
Join by Phone in English: (408) 740-7256 or (408) 317-9253, Meeting ID: 366 432 518
Join by Phone in Spanish: (888) 947-3988, Meeting ID: 926958
Link to Full Agenda
We want your feedback on the priority actions and policies that you believe are needed to enhance decision-making on organic materials management in California.
The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA), California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) and the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) invites you to a listening session to get your perspectives on organic materials management actions and policies.
CalEPA recently issued a report titled: “Enhancing Organic Materials Management by Improving Coordination, Increasing Incentives, and Expediting Decision-Making.” CalEPA will discuss the report’s recommendations to improve coordination, increase incentives and expedite decision-making on the development and expansion of organic material management infrastructure.
CAPCOA recently issued a discussion paper titled, “Composting in California, Addressing Air Quality Permitting and Regulatory Issues for Expanding Infrastructure.” CAPCOA will discuss several issues, including the composting facilities’ air quality impacts and air district attainment status, availability of VOC emission reduction credits, impact of SB 617 analysis and disadvantaged communities and other issues.
This discussion paper reflects a collaborative effort by California Air Resources Board (CARB), CAPCOA, the 35 air districts in CAPCOA, and the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). It was written to define the current state of composting in California, discuss the associated air quality and regulatory issues for siting new and expanded large-scale composting facilities in California, and find ways to overcome the challenges of building the necessary composting infrastructure. It also explores a range of permitting options, some of which are feasible and some are not. The report documents the options that are likely infeasible as a record to help focus future efforts on the feasible options.
CDFA implements the Healthy Soils Program, which promotes carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas reduction and soil health improvements. CDFA will discuss the steps it’s taking to provide California farmers and ranchers incentives to use healthy soils conservation practices and assistance to implement demonstration projects that collect data and showcase the benefits of healthy soil practices.
CAL FIRE is exploring ways of using organic materials to stabilize soils post wildfire while increasing forest soil fertility and sequestering carbon. The department will discuss how to accomplish these goals while still reducing and avoiding the potential for the movement of both native and exotic forest insects and diseases around the state within such organic materials.
You are invited to hear an overview of the reports, programs and actions state and regional officials are taking to enhance decision-making on organic materials management infrastructure and to promote the safe use and reuse of organic materials.
Please come prepared to ask questions and discuss on-going initiatives and proposals for further actions.
We will use this information to help craft more effective actions and policies on managing organic materials in California.
Join by Webcast:
This meeting will be available by phone and computer. To log into the webcast, click the hyperlink below or paste the address into your browser address field. In order to view this webcast, you will also need to have the BlueJeans video conference application on your computer. If you do not, please download it prior to the meeting by logging in and following the prompts.
- The webcast link is available at CalEPA Public Meeting Live Webcasts. Scroll to find the “Listening Session on Organic Materials Management,” then click the Video link.
Join by Phone:
Dial one of the numbers below follow the prompts as directed and use
- (408) 740-7256 (Calls from inside California)
- (408) 317-9253 (Calls from outside of California)
- English Language Meeting ID: 366 432 518
- Spanish Language Meeting ID: 490 504 957
Join in Person:
- Directions to CalEPA
- Metered parking is available surrounding the building. There is also a parking garage directly across from the Cal/EPA Headquarters Building on the corner of 10th & I Streets.
- Additional parking
- Upon your arrival, please check in at the Visitors’ Center to obtain a visitor’s badge.
- Please advise the Visitors Center of your meeting with Grant Cope. We will be notified of your arrival and you will be escorted to Conference Room 550.
- If you have any questions prior to the meeting date, please contact Bonnie Waltz (916) 324-9701 or Bonnie.Waltz@calepa.ca.gov.
Snacks and beverages will be provided.