Interagency Refinery Task Force to Host Second Northern California Refinery Safety Forum

For Immediate Release: March 4, 2015

Contact: Paul Penn,  (916) 327-9558

CROCKETT, Calif. – The California Interagency Refinery Task Force will host a Refinery Safety Forum meeting March 26 in Crockett. This is one of a series of forums to provide information and promote dialogue on worker and community safety. The two hour forum offers an opportunity for the public to obtain facts and insight, ask questions, and discuss this evening’s topics regarding refinery operations.

When:   Thursday, March 26, 2015, 6-8 p.m.
Where:  Crockett Community Center, 850 Pomona St., Crockett, CA 94525
Who:     All are welcome.

Participating and planning organizations include local, state, and federal agencies; labor and contractor organizations; refineries; academia; and community and environmental groups.


– Community Warning Systems
– Transportation of Petroleum by Rail and Other Means

More safety forums are being planned on related topics in Northern California and other areas of the state where refineries are located.
The Interagency Refinery Task Force works collaboratively to achieve the highest level of safety for refinery workers and local communities to prevent incidents, and prepare for and effectively respond to emergencies. Following a fire at the Chevron refinery in Richmond in August 2012, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. directed CalEPA to create the Interagency Refinery Task Force that includes ten state agencies, U.S. EPA, and local agencies from areas of the state that contain refineries.

RSVP requested, but not required, to or (916) 327-9558.

Translators are available upon request.

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