For Immediate Release
December 8, 2014
Contact: Alex Barnum, (916) 324-9670
LIMA, Peru – California and the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia issued a joint statement today in support of strong, collective action on climate change.
The statement was announced by California Secretary for Environmental Protection Matthew Rodriquez and the environment and climate change ministers for the three provinces, who are in Lima this week participating in the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The Joint Statement on Climate Change:
- Identifies climate change as a serious environmental and economic threat
- Recognizes the urgency of taking bold action to stop climate disruption on a global scale and maximize the opportunities to grow the low-carbon economy
- Resolves to work together towards mid-term greenhouse gas reduction goals
“California has been a leader in developing effective policies to cut carbon pollution and combat climate change,” said Secretary Rodriquez. “Our experience demonstrates that committing to a clean energy future is also a powerful means to drive economic growth. But no one state or province can do this alone.
“This statement is another sign of how California is working with other regions in North America and around the world to make real progress in reducing greenhouse gases and to build momentum toward an international agreement in Paris next year.”
Secretary Rodriquez is attending the U.N. conference to meet with other regional and national leaders, participate in the international climate talks, and share California’s climate leadership story.
California has a track record of leadership and collaboration on climate change beginning with the passage of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32). AB 32, which requires California to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 2 levels by 2020, was the first program in the United States to take a comprehensive, long-term approach to addressing climate change.
Since then, California has entered agreements with China, Mexico and, as part of the Pacific Coast Collaborative, with British Columbia and the states of Oregon and Washington, to work together on greenhouse gas reduction goals. Last month, California and Quebec held a successful first joint cap-and-trade auction. California will work with other state and regions to move global climate policy forward at the Lima conference and at the pivotal U.N. Climate Summit in Paris in 2015.
Following are quotes from the Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia ministers:
“The time to take swift, collective action on climate change is now. Ontario is proud to be among many jurisdictions in North America that recognize the urgent need to stop the irreparable damage caused by climate change. This statement affirms our resolve to lead by example, encourage other regions to do their part and leave our future generations with the legacy of a healthy, prosperous planet.”
— Glen Murray, Ontario Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
“The consequences of climate change are very real. Urgent action is required, and the time has now come to make decisions based on the kind of world we want to leave our children. Québec, just like its partners, fully shoulders this responsibility and is taking important steps that will not only contribute to worldwide GHG emission reduction efforts, but will also re-launch Québec’s economy,”
— David Heurtel, Quebec Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change
“It is important for jurisdictions like British Columbia to demonstrate the many ways we can contribute to global climate action, with targets and policies like the revenue neutral BC carbon tax at home and by creating solutions like clean LNG, as an example to countries building their plans for Paris in 2015.”
— Mary Polak, British Columbia Minister of Environment
Learn more:
- Joint Statement on Climate Change
- Overview of the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32)
- Related links to California’s climate change programs
• California Air Resources Board • Department of Pesticide Regulation • Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) • Department of Toxic Substances Control • Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment • State Water Resources Control Board • Regional Water Quality Control Boards
CalEPA, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 • P.O. Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812 • (916) 323-2514